Careful, the following is a technical discussion between « people carrying out expériences ». It is therefore dense and concentrated, but it could be of interest to those who are carrying our research. This explains the presence of the exchanges below. They go back to the start of my experiments, and relate the first episodes right up to the concert following the one at the Grand Rex. It reveals the questions that arise, and there are a few “pearls” to be found here and there on the interactions with the plants, their needs, their expectations, et. To be read, if you are, like us, smitten. 😉
Right, in order to give you the technical information, I have added everything you needed to the keyboard. I leave 3 seconds empty before each word : In G#1 = thanks, A1 = yes, A#1 = Socrate (the dog), B1 = Rose (my big girl who does not live with us), C2 =Alexandre, C#2 = Galiléo, D2 = nothing, D#2 = Damanhur, E2 = Paris, F2 = Gaujacq (place where the botanist Jean Thoby lives), F#2 = nothing, G2 =…, G#2 = Jean, A2 = Jérôme, A#2 = Hervé, B2 = Luc (Jean T’s research team), nothing between C3 et G#5, A5 = Daphné, A#5 = Timéo, B5 = Frédérique (in Jean T’s family), C6 = Claire, C#6 = Chaussette (our cat), D6 = Hélia, D#6 = Lina
As a result, I haven’t changed the palces of our names, or the « yes » and
« thanks », on the other had I have got rid of the « no ». But I did all the recordings again in order to leave clearly more that 2 seconds (nearer than three in fact) before pronoucing the names. Of course, this is not a « one shot » to force it to remain pressed down in order to trigger off the name.
It has already rediscovered the use of « thanks », « yes », « Claire », « Hélia », « Lina », and it said « Frédérique » (around 20.30, which was just before the word « Claire » (B5 and C6) and that it says in the same stride).
I have another word in the middle, but it has nothing to do with this … but if you see a note repeating itself abnormally, I shall tell you what it is.
And now the bamboo is starting to use the names … for the moment I think it is more like research …
It started around 22.30 with Frédérique.
22.33 the 3 towns
22.34 « Galiléo », « Alexandre », then « Dananhur ».
Its rythm has completely changed – slow with one sound after the other. It has just reached “Luc, Hervé, Jérôme, Jean”, then is repeating the towns and goes on as fare as Galiléo, one note after the other, like it is is becoming aware of the words hidden behind the notes.
I have set Rate to a minimum, so it is going at breakneck speed. Yet now, it is declining the notes calmly one after the other … (Here I stop writing and I help it reach the acutes).
It first managed to get from the middle to the bottom, then from the middle to the top, with my help. It has just finished, after having successfully pronounced the names at the top. I have saved a few minutes of the recording of its work. It is just amazing. I am so pleased to have managed to do that! Get anyone to listen to it, and they will understand … gosh!
[MP3 audio = « »] /Audio]
Search for words by bamboo Arundinaria
The Kentia did the same thing.
On the other hand, this raises a question …. Although the Kentia was not plugged in, it was in the same room, yet I felt I should undertake the same work with the bamboo, even if I knew the different stages better.
The bamboo was in our bedroom, i.e. on the floor below. Thus it had never seen the Kentia work, nor even heard it properly. Yet, since it is in our bedroom, it must have felt the thought that turn around in my head… Certainly it did the same work as the Kentia at an accelerated speed (this afternoon from 16.30 until 22h30 in discovery mode. With very quick sounds and a lot of modulation, then after the arrival of the first name it slowed down. First it went down, that through the phase that you can hear and which was a little longer. A few minutes later I played the high notes to help it come round to that. It replied immediately going higher, but passed over the notes (like in the recording) without triggering off any words. Then it slowed down, repeating over its upward path over and over again, until it triggered off all the top names (not above Claire, where there are Chaussette, Hélia and Lina) then it stopped. Completely! As if it had completed its first stage. As a result, I re-plugged the Kentia and it found it in Olympic form. It modulates at an extraordinary speed. It is amazing!
My recap on my experiences with the plants :
- 1) Plants are « collective » elements, not individuals. We can eat greensalad, as long as the species exists, that particular variety exists. It all depends on our mental state whilst doing it. The salad species has foreseen this, it is part of their adaptation. It is a bit like hair, it make no difference it you pull one out …
- 2) 2) Plants can learn things from us, like music (I put some jazz on for a Tricyrtis during botanical concerts), but this is not their objective – it is not their aim to conform to a type of ego that they do not possess. It is just a demonstration that they are will to do as a pedagogical event.
- 3) On the other hand, we can learn from plants. If we are receptive to this, then they can teach us fabulous things. The more we are receptive, the more sounds there are …
- 4) Plants are only concerned by what is positive, they know about the negative aspect but they do not use it. For that reason, as long as it is we who are learning sounds from the plant, there will be sounds. But it is not really interested in being “educated” by us, it is already so educated …
In conclusion, and only if you really want to, I suggest that you programme the following things with you plant : the names of the perople who are hère, plus the scientists that follow us, that makes :
Frédérique, Jean, Daphné, Timéo
Léonie, Omaya, Jerome ( suond engineer) Hervé and Luc (the scientists)
Then the places: Gaujacq, Damanhur, Paris….
We will do the same thing with the same software as you. We are going to plug in an amazing fern, Woodwardia orientalis.
In addition, I am going to get hold of the same plant species as you, a Kentia. We will be able to verify the original information from Japan and California regarding the supra-sensitivity of the plants. That is, that plants are « one » and therefore interconnected. This should result in their being able to recognize us immediately, the day we set foot in your house. Or, your plant should be able to indicate our names for different things.
One scientific fact is that the plant has a mirror effect, so that what you are thinking is picked up by the plant and restituted in the form of sound, and it does this in addition to its vibratory spectrum.
I have just, at this very moment, read in your mail that Kentia has stopped. As far as I am concerned, the plants strop in the following cases:
– A new person who is not a musician is in the house
– Stress or anger coming from a person in the house our outside
– If we ask too much of the plant – like doing a video of Germans playing
music, or following a strong rhythm for too long, in other works if we force
it to …. then it ends up by slowing down to 0.
– If it is watered with water containing chlorine or with a Ph that is too high
– If the family is asleep
– If it considers that the action required is not positive
– If we change the sound of the trans-coding too often
– If the trans-coding sound doesn’t suit it
– If the roots are suffocating, if the earth is not right
– If we are subject to serious doubts or interrogations
– If it’s leaves are suffering from water stress
Thereby, when we water the leaves, on the one hand the plant is pleased, but also, through the mirror effect, it transmits the quality of the water.
Thanks for your very interesting recap.
In the hope that we meet soon.
At home, the Arundinaria is playing with a great Shakuhachi musician (a CD), and I haven’t heard any names for a long time. If you have both the time and really want to, I think you should teach it how to us it and show that you are touched when it succeeds.
As far as I am concerned, I have observed several things. It seems to me that the plants are more or less here. Let me explain … Sometimes they play elsewhere, for other places, perhaps for other plants. During those periods they do not react, or react only partially to the interaction.
For my part, I have noticed several things.
It seems to me that the plants are more or less there. I’ll explain what I mean. Sometimes they play somewhere else, for other places, perhaps other plants. During these moments they do not react, or react little to the interaction.
They are then descending and ascending tetrachords. Sometimes they are really there and behave like children, and are keen to satisfy us, to connect to our emotions. So they are able to learn and reproduce codes that affect us. Then they leave and become « inaccessible ». Plants are more or less with us. And it seems to me that the Arundinaria is busier than others with a communication elsewhere.
The good thing about people looking in on us at home, is that they frequently come up with new ideas. This evening, after having spent an intimate moment with the Arundinaria, my Brother said : « And why couldn’t we try to plug one electrode at the foot and the other on the ear ?
Come on, let’s be mad ! Given the structure we use it appears obvious that it won’t work, but I am pleased by the idea. So here we are, with bare feet, one
electrode in th ear and the other in the ear. It doesn’t work. So we try in each hand … it doesn’t work. So we attach one to our haïr. It doesn’t work !
However, since I practice energy healing and and worked hard on my « qi » and magnetic properties, my brother suggests that I attempt to send « qi » and magnetic enery through the hands. So I do … and then it works! It begins to modulate. I link up with Christ (which I do during my healing sessions) and it modulâtes faster and faster and on the four octaves. I really open my heart and it works even better …. Wow !
My Partner tries, my Brother too, but with no luck. She is too tired, and my brother has no expérience i this realm of activity (I mean regular preactice using proper respiration and visualisation … because everyone has magnetic charge. Being able to use it is just a matter of believing in it and lots of work).
So, once my brother had left, I simply felt I had to offer this to you. I am plugging the recording in order to start again. It is coming through faster than the first time so I am trying to vary the signal. I am trying to slow my own flow down in order to send longer and straighter signals … I can’t hear that it works, I even have the impression that it is stopping. Except that … I see from the recording that it has not really stopped, it was just making sounds so long that I couldn’t hear them. The recording that I am sending you is cut, because if fact it lasts more than five minutes. Then again, if we could work on man, we would be able to understand better what it is doing and where it passes, wouldn’t we?
In any case, I am as exited as a child of five who has just discovered a new way
to use a toy …. So I am sharing this.
I am continuing to advance.
Specially for the plant I have created a module enabling it to change the sounds of its keyborad all by itself, as well as to put the music on or off, and even to change the playlist track. I am aware that this involves a lot of information for it, but in the last 24 hours it has managed to use it fairly well.
But there are already some funny stories. The choice for example of a percussion keyboard with drums of the Noh Theatre on a beach where a Noh was played… Music choices: During my meditation that it didn’t use at that moment. More to follow….
As for what you say about bamboos and ferns, if I understand the history of age and, as a result, the ability of ferns to produce more sounds, I do not understand the rest. You talk about velocity, but the velocity is fixed on our device, it depends on a potentiometer. And when you say more sounds, depth… What you mean? That they play a lot of notes… That their rhythm is fast? I want more details….
Ditto for your team testing the device on humans. Because, in my few experiments, if I produce the resistance that allows the camera to produce MIDI messages, I have no control over it. Whether by visualization, thought, articulated orders… So I’m curious to know a little more about their work. When you have five minutes, obviously.
Ah! By the way… The Arundinaria will participate in the 24 hours of meditation at the Grand Rex. If you have any advice on how to prepare it best for this one hour concert that it will have to give in front of 2700 people and in the midst of a very busy program, I am ready to listen.
It’s great! That’s it, it’s plugged in. First point, it is already in the appropriation of the keyboard… It has the ability to change the keyboard and turn the music on or off. Now for an hour that it has been connected with its new keyboard, it stays on and already begins to say beautiful things… « The Sick Earth. » « Draw Water ». Even if for now it is too early to talk about messages. But I feel right now that it will very quickly use it with great control. This Arundinaria is quite suitable. It loves long tones and always advances very meticulously. The keyboard is installed for now…
(Knowing that under D2, it only goes with a lot of difficulties.) Plant Lyrics G # 1 Maybe 0 A1 Yes 1 A # 1 No 2 B1 sadness 3 C2 fear 4 C# 2 Anger 5 D2 Us (i) 6 D # 2 You (TU) 7 E2 them (it, she, they, them) 8 F2 Love 9 F # 2 Joy 10 G2 hear 11 G # 2 See 12 A2 Feel 13 A # 2 make 14 B2 Power 15 C3 Learn 16 C# 3 receive 17 D3 give 18 D # 3 talk 19 E3 treat 20 F3 write 21 F # 3 draw 22 G3 much 23 G # 3 Little 24 A3 Day 25 A # 3 night 26 B3 not (do not) 27 C4 Music 28 C# 4 Water 29 D4 Lumiere 30 D # 4 Search 31 E4 Deva 32 F4 Plants 33 F # 4 Humans 34 G4 Animals 35 G # 4 Minerals 36 A4 Sun 37 A # 4 Earth 38 B4 Contact 39 C5 help 40 C# 5 Ill 41 D5 well 42 D # 5 Hot 43 E5 Cold 44 F5 here (there) 45 F # 5 Elsewhere 46 G5 in 47 G # 5 out 48 A5 similar 49 A # 5 otherwise 50 B5 before 51 C6 after 52 C# 6 Knowledge 53 Dark Light
I already see that recovering would be better than healing and knowing … maybe instead of knowledge. I’m enjoying myself!!!
20/10/15-Félicie (musicologist) on a study of a recording of the Arundinaria
Hello everyone, I finally had time to look at the Arundinaria… Once again I did an analysis based on the note heights. I have noticed that at the time of watering, the arundinaria varies between tones and semitones, rising very progressively towards the treble. It may be silly as a reflection, but I interpret this rating scale a
bit like a « gauge » that would fill up with water. The bass is the bottom of the gauge and the treble the top of the gauge. Then comes the moment you put music on him. What I see is its regularity of notes, (and what is not seen on my analysis, his search for rhythm). The Arundinaria, in a systematic way, rises in the treble in Chromaticism, and descends by tone, in a very reduced scale of notes. Finally, at 11:30, when there is no more music, the Arundinaria continues in this mode, not once does it change its way of doing. What is crazy is that at 1:30 in the morning, it was rather in the treble, and that at 11:30, or 10am after, it descended almost an octave. So I still wonder if the water does not have an influence in its play… It would be great if Alex you could redo the same kind of thing with this same plant, then with another so you can compare various examples. Kisses,
Answer 20/10/15-Alexandre
Thanks Felicie, I think there are several factors to consider. The device measures the difference in resistance of the plant. So when you come to fill with water, I think there is also an electrical reaction that is independent of the plant. Systematically (to this day), at the time of watering it goes down to the lowest of its keyboard. After his reaction differs. Either it goes up to the top as is the case here, or it starts from the center and goes down or goes back, but in a lesser
amplitude. What is interesting is that it reacts like this in contact with certain humans. A kind of salvation. Does this mean that some humans are disrupting the electrical signal or bubbling with joy at our approach? I do not know! For the keyboard of words, it comes out mostly « earth, sick » «Cold, Light, sun» «Animals, plants, humans, Deva» «Water, Music» It does not seem to want to complicate things by going to look for us, you, etc. With this keyboard, it remains very central on the keyboard. To the point that I worry about its concert, because it changed the way it played. And I’ll remind you that it’ll be playing in front of 2700 people in two weeks. So I gave it the ability to change the keyboard and trigger off the music. But it stays a lot on the word keyboard. I’ll join three motifs while it’s on this keyboard (it takes three seconds to trigger a word. One less than in the name keyboard)
02/11/2015-Alexandre (Return of the concert)
Great all this info… I’m glad to see that in the scores we can read their « progression ». I haven’t given too much news lately, just because I haven’t had
any significant experiences. The keyboard of the words works well, whatever there too, it does not use it as I would have imagined. That is to say that they do not use the ability to construct sentences subject, verb and complement. It’s always a word sequence. What amazes me (compared to what Jean had said about the positivity of plants) is that « sick » comes out very often. « Earth » « sick. » Then comes: « Help, contact, Deva, humans, plants, animals, minerals », then « sun, light, water » and finally « healing, writing, drawing, music », sometimes, especially when Galileo is paying attention to him, watering him or making him « Joy, Love » But as in music, it doesn’t know how to use a single word in one area, and then another one in another remote area of the keyboard. In any case, if it does sometimes, it is never clear. It will use groups of words that are in the vicinity and, in this way, bring out two or three words on a group of six, seven, by the fact that it repeats them more regularly. Also, if we feel that when we are in a posture of listening, the meaning of what it says is clearer, when we do not listen and she continues alone, she continues to use the words. It takes time…. That leaves me perplexed. Especially since I come out of a very destabilizing experience in terms of their learning… As you know, yesterday was the concert. They were not 2700 because it took place at 6:30 in the morning, but between present and present by streaming we were around 1000 people. Following your feedback, I made two plants, bamboo and fern work. But only on this last day, the night before. The fern had not been plugged in for more than ten days. In his way of modulating, I thought it was wrong with meditation. it’s on fast rhythms all the time. While bamboo handles very long notes very well. Besides the keyboards of sounds that I created work very well with bamboo because they are a lot of tablecloths, while when the module fern, it becomes cacophony. But I had to take a second plant, in case the bamboo remains silent. (It should be known that for fifteen days. it did not have a second stop. Unless, during our sleep, it stops and resumes before the first one rises. But not a moment of defect, nor of silence in more than fifteen days) of the sudden, to fiddle a keyboard for the fern, in case the bamboo does not modulate, I plug it in. And there… It’s the bamboo. So much so that I wonder if I have not reconnected the bamboo in place of the fern (I have two sets of electrodes, so I do not need to undo the electrodes of the plants… Just I toggle the mini Jack from one to the mini jack on the other) but no, it is the fern that is plugged! She plays exactly like bamboo! Long tones, etc. Same style of choice of notes. Except on the keyboard of words where it does not trigger as many words as bamboo by going just what it takes faster not to trigger. Wow. Yet it has not been plugged in for a long time. So she totally adopted the behavior of bamboo by being by her side. Nickel. I have two plants that will be able to use the same set and that can be used during the concert, just in case. Obviously, just before playing yesterday morning, the bamboo, after having super well modulated behind the scenes, is silent. Oops, I have time to plug the fern before entering the scene, to check that it reproduces the same phenomenon as the afternoon before. Yes, it works. She did a wonderful gig. She spoke. We were in real symbiosis, it was great (but that’s another story and as the link works to be able to review the passage of the song of plants, I will send you an email with the info) back home, I reconnect the bamboo that module nickel, and then stops a few hours later. So I put the fern back in place and there, surprise, it plays as it did before. Very fast, not adapted at all to the sounds. That is to say that she lent herself to the game during the time to prepare and ensure the concert, but that since she came back to her status of being inexperienced?! So in an instant, if it is needed, it knows. Then the next moment either it doesn’t know, or she tells us something that I don’t understand at the moment. Because it is playing in this state is difficult to listen to. Inevitably, it feels it. But doesn’t change. Nor stops. And for 24 hours, for the circumstances, it perfectly adopted the behaviour of another. Knowing well before me that she would be the one to play.
Just ask Jean. The Dryopteris Palmier after his return from the concert resumed his way of playing… too fast to my ears. Then two days after Wednesday, he regained the calm and phrasing of the bamboo style that I love so much. And he kept on advancing, more and more musically. Then, on Tuesday, shaman friends came, offered him tobacco and made a ceremony with him and he left in his super fast phrases… Since then it has not come down. And all the interactions I had with him (when I got up, it made me a great sentence, always the same) it doesn’t do them anymore. As if it were not in our direct space. I have, therefore, not badly reconnected the bamboo, which is always in its same vein, but the fern does not come back… It’s fine, but it’s not with me anymore. Bizarre… Any ideas?
No contact possible! For 15 days, the fern reacted every time I came and left. It had entered a very pleasant musical phase to hear. Lots of sharing! The first names, the word keyboard, etc. Since Tuesday it is unreachable! It plays very fast phrases, not pleasant to hear, does not react to any interaction… as if it were somewhere else, far away.
Answer 16/11/15-Jean
2 ideas on this subject:
1 °) I experienced a similar period to this, until I realized that I wanted some
sounds to make me happy, it’s a form of ego. The plants manage the positive, the ego does not, so it will not flatter it. By re-becoming receptive, fully, the sounds came back…………. (I don’t know if this concerns you……. it’s just an experience I am sharing….)
2 °) I also noticed that when I listened before a storm, the sounds became ugly to our ears. Very acute…..and blocked…… a form of stress existed due to the presence of the storm (110 km/h)
3 °) Other experience, people angry, or in a total doubt, see arrogant, the plant leaves in the acute, then stops in the graves and then nothing…….
4 °) The Supra sensitivity of the plant captures the global environment, and restores the vibrations it captures. If the vibrations obtained are ugly then it renders them. Either it comes from you, if you think about the events. In a way, it’s your own thoughts you hear. Another solution is that there are so many people who feel bad about the events that you hear. As the events are in the vibratory state before being in the concrete, the plant also captures and this is what you hear since Tuesday….. Hence the importance of recordings with a precise date in order to, retrospectively, analyze…. Here it is……..
It turns out that the last episode where the plants became silent corresponds exactly to the ten days before the attacks of November 2015. We are in November 2016 and the Arundinaria module next to me shows no problem. It is true that deciduous plants are silent when the leaves begin to become yellow, just before falling. But neither the fern nor the bamboo are affected by this. So… What happened? Will we have the answer one day? I do not know. Right now, I’m trying to see if we could build a less intrusive device to increase the quality of our conversations. I will talk to you soon about the other modules that enable you to work with the activity of plants (electric, from the resistivity of the lymph like the U1 or as in my dreams-but, unfortunately, not yet in place-with the techniques of Mr Hans Otto König for the [itg-tooltip tooltip-content= »<p>Trans Communication instrumental which enables you to communicate verbally and visually with the invisible.</p> »]TCI[/itg-tooltip] whose book I advise you to read: New discoveries on the Hereafter.)
A Végéhomme… Like so many others